Status update #1 –                             3 years in the home studio

Status update #1 – 3 years in the home studio

What are your goals?
How do you track progress towards your goals?

It's been 3 years since I decided to seriously dedicate my time to music. And I had some results, but not enough to publish them.

Then I read about the trend of "building in public" from some hacker newsletter. It struck me that so much time and results were produced, but almost nobody have seen my work yet.

This is when I decided to start making the process of music creation public.

Why building in public?

It helps me see gradual progress in front of my and everybody's eyes, instead of shelving everything I write for the future. Build a momentum, per se.

This is also how I can track my goals. Just look through the posts of the past and see what was changing and what haven't changed.

Neuroscientists say that reading and writing out thoughts helps the brain stay plastic. You're welcome, brain! You can thank me later.

This young fella thanks me.

Meanwhile, this is what the studio was cooking..

Sometime soon you're going to hear this song,
Put it on repeat and play it all night long..

(c) catsky – Baby Mama, 2017

Yeah, I have track that are 5 years old and only about 10 people hear them. Time to fix that! Here's a list of stuff I have on my hard drive:

  • 3 semi-finished and mixed tracks, out of which 2 are songs
  • 5 arranged but unfinished songs
  • 3 concepts demos

I want to start making parts of these "demos" public, so make a request by joining the Discord channel at the bottom of this page and hit me up there so we could chat more!